Sunday, December 14, 2008

The sky is falling

As I left work tonight I saw a shooting star. On the drive home I saw two more. I had also seen one last night. I was starting to think there must be something afoot in the skies. Jamie suggested aliens. As I unpacked my stuff from the car I saw the most brilliant shooting star I've ever seen. I gazed at the sky a while longer and saw 3 more within two minutes. Evidently tonight is the Geminid meteor shower. I wrapped up and went back outside but the cloud were already starting to move over so I didn't see any more. I feel really fortunate to have seen so many beautiful shooting stars/meteors. Though, on nights like tonight I do wish I lived farther away from all the city lights.

One of my favorite memories as a teenager was getting wrapped up in pajamas and blankets, taking a carton of ice cream and lying on the Louis' driveway in the middle of winter to watch a meteor shower with Jenny.

I did work part two last night and tonight. Now that I've paid off my loan I find it extremely difficult to go to that job. Especially when I'm missing all kinds of holiday fun. Last night we had a Christmas party at a ridiculous house. I need to find a way to convey the general oddness of the people there. No one was outright weird, but there were so many little things that made me laugh inside. It's interesting to be invited into people's homes and be the silent observers of their parties and lives.

The hostess last night had about 10 prescription bottles on her kitchen counter, and I have a feeling she had taken all of them. She wore a black sweater and pants outfit. It had gold thread woven throughout. The pants were stirrups. There were odd leaf-like pieces of fabric sewn across the chest and shoulders with huge gold grommets randomly attached. I was amazed that someone who seemed to have so much money could still be dress so ugly. She wandered around the house looking like she had just woken up and wasn't sure why we were there. Every available surface was covered in Christmas decorations. I started to count all the figures but after I got through about 5 feet in the living room I realized it would be too much. The area rugs were Christmas. The slip covers for the chairs at the breakfast table were Santa hats. There was an entire Christmas village set out, as well as three or four other houses and trains. Every available post and banister had garlands and wreaths. Every other step going upstairs had a Christmas themed doll or Santa Claus on it. The yard had three different types of decorations, and the windows on the front of the house all hand some kind of light up word in them. Its making me tired just thinking about it.

Last night I stayed up late talking to Matt who skipped through town, and today I went to Kathryn's Kara's three year old birthday party. It's been a crazy weekend - and it isn't over yet.

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