Wednesday, December 10, 2008

A nice break from the cold

I guess all good things must eventually come to an end. My 23.5 hour overnight in Key West has been extended by a couple of hours due to bad weather in Atlanta, but it looks like the plane is finally on the way down here. The bad part is that it looks like we'll be getting to Albany, NY sometime early tomorrow morning.

The last day has been delightful. The weather is amazing. I spent a few hours on the beach earlier. It was really windy, which I love (except when I'm trying to read a newspaper - but I guess that's what I get for trying to read the paper on the beach). The water is full of seaweed which is kind of gross. I had a good time watching the kite surfers or whatever they're called. I also went for a run with my FO. It was the first time I've ever run with someone that I was in better shape than :-D. The rest of the time I've been enjoying my beautiful suite. I think I could live here (in this suite) all winter.

The plane has finally taken off from Atlanta so I'm going to start getting ready.

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