Wednesday, April 26, 2006


I remembered what was really getting me down. Even more than rain and gray skies, more than being broke, and wasting time and energy. I found out recently that a couple I know and have respected and loved for many years is having serious problems. I don't have much faith in relationships to begin with and seeing something like this happen really shakes me down deep. It makes me sad and hope that it really, somehow isn't true. I know no relationship is perfect. Mine aren't, my friends' aren't, my parents' isn't, none of my friend's parents' are. But you still like to think that it is possible to have a good relationship and make it last. That's what scares me the most. It's not getting dumped by some guy, getting cheated on by a boyfriend, or getting married and it falling apart right now. It's being married for years and years, building a life together, having children together, starting to grow old together, and THEN it falling apart. As a young person I'd like to think that you get to a safe point where you know it's gonna last forever, but it doesn't seem that way. Even people that have been married 20 and 30 years get divorced. It's just scary because you could marry the perfect person and 20 years down the road they get that itch or whatever it is. They decide they don't love you anymore. How can you ever really know that isn't going to happen? It's such a risk. It's one thing to see a bad marriage collapse. It's almost expected. But it's another thing to see one that you thought was as close to perfect as you can get fall apart. I guess you never really know what's going on on the inside though... Good times.

On a lighter note, what is it about new shoes that makes you want to wear them ALL the time?? Even while cleaning your room. It's so much fun. At least that makes me happy.

The sun'll come out tomorrow (I hope)

I don't like this weather. It's really sad how directly connected my mood and the weather are. I should feel great right now cause I got a few things done this morning, but alas, it's gray and rainy outside and I feel gray and rainy inside. I was going to play tennis today as well. I slept really late today as well which bugs me. I've been having sleeping issues though. Blah.

I hate spending money but sometimes you just can't avoid it. You know buying food and such other frivolities. The other day I went shopping for a new swimming suit and ended up buying 3 of them because I couldn't decide which one looked best on me. So after much consultation, I decided which one I wanted and Roomie T wants one of the others, so I took the other one back this morning. While I'm in there I decided to have a wander through the shoes and I found a pair of really cute brown sandals. They were only $11 and I have been looking for some for a while so I got them. So I do my smart thing of taking the suit back but end up spending most of the money on something else. Also found out my rotars are warped so I have to get that taken care of on Friday. More money down the drain. Not that it matters cause I'm a big baller with lamborghini doors on my escalade. That's why I just had tuna and crackers for lunch. I had some stuff to mail and a work shirt to return that was the wrong size. I finally find a place to get envelopes and mail stuff and as I'm walking in the store I see that there is a spot on the shirt from where some stupid teenage boys were goofing off and threw orange drink everywhere. So now I have to go home, wash the spot out, then mail it another day. Wasted trip. I'm such a complainer. More frustrated I guess. I also kept going the wrong way, or just not the best way, when I was trying to get stuff done. I don't know why that bugs me so much but I like to be efficient about this and not be driving all over the place, spending more time and gas than necessary. I think it's also part of my man side that gets irritated about not where I'm going.

I have to do a nap tonight which I'm way thrilled about. That means I don't get to play volleyball. I shouldn't be complaining though cause I haven't had to work since Sunday. But it's rainy outside so I'm going to complain anyway. The nice thing about not working is that I got to see one of my friends who is in town. Yay! She rocks my face off.

I don't really have anything interesting to say. I need to shower but was hoping to exercise so I've been putting it off. Need to clean my room. I shoved everything in piles last night when my friend spent the night. Guess I should get to it. I need to go cross all the things I've gotten done off my list and hopefully that will make me feel better. The price of gas these days is also depressing me. I need to be happy cause I have a car, a job, a new swimming suit, a full stomach, hair to wash, friends to spend time with, stories to write about... You get it, and I think I do too.

Saturday, April 22, 2006

hairy armpits and avocados.. mmm

I just got home from work and it was such a jolly good day. Started off a bit rough cause I didn't get up when I was supposed to (even though i had been waking up since 7something). I did a Portland, Maine round trip and had such nice people going both ways. On the way up there were a ton of kids, including identical twin girls with the biggest, brownest eyes ever. I love brown eyes. Blue eyes are pretty but there is just something I adore about brown ones. Two kids were fighting for the first 20 minutes of the flight, which included a great deal of yelling and shrieking. This is always a touchy situation cause I know parent's are embarrassed (ones with common decency are anyway) and other passengers are annoyed. I never know if I should try to say something to the kids or if they parents will get pissed off. I finally went up to them and told them that fighting wasn't allowed on the plane. That including tickling and kicking. Calmed them down for at least 5 minutes.

On the way back I had all kinds of fun people. They were cracking jokes during my announcements, which doesn't bother me. At least I know they're fun. Then, mid-announcement, I watch as the lady in the front row raises her arm to adjust the air vent. As she does this I can see what appears to be a lifetime's worth of growth under her arm. I was so in shock and was very thankful that I don't have to think while I do my announcements anymore because my thoughts were far, far from seatbelts and oxygen masks. I was doing all I could to keep from laughing and noone really knew why. Good times. I noticed later she had the leg hair to match, and was breast feeding her daughter who was almost a year and a half. The daughter was adorable and reminded me so much of Olive, the little girl I took care of in Spain. She was a beautiful blue-eyed blond, with dimples and a great personality. She kept everyone entertained.

There was also a group of middle age people who were giving me the usual "the gate agent told me you were serving filet mignon and free drinks". Then they were making bets as to where I was from. One thought I was from Cincinatti and the other guessed upstate NY. They couldn't believe I was from ATL. Had the same conversation with another couple. I'm not sure why but I'm so glad I don't sound southern. The next time I went through they asked me how old I was. They had bet on this question as well. I couldn't believe it though when they started making their guesses. It made me promise myself to never get upset when I get carded or someone thinks I'm young again. The two men each thought I was 28 and 32 and the lady guessed correctly!!! I was blown away. People don't usually even guess close to my age, much less guess older than I am. It nearly ruined my day.

Last night I went with my friend, who I visited while she was living in Bosnia, to a Bosnian restaurant here in Atlanta. It was really funny. We got there around 7 and were the only customers there. It was very similar to Bosnia in that there were no menus, it was kind of this is what you get. We had cevapi, which I had while I was in Sarajevo. It was the only thing available, but was really good. They said they were supposed to have other stuff but the truck had never arrived. The guy that was serving us didn't really work there either. They told us there were supposed to be singers there but they didnt' know where they were either. This is all typical to Bosnia. Everyone was friendly and a few more people showed up but we only stayed til about 9. They supposedly have a disco there later, which I would have really liked to see, but maybe next time.

Also went to the Dekalb Farmer's Market yesterday with J. I've been trying to get him to go for months cause he likes all kinds of foods and cultures. We mainly browsed. I got a few things including fresh baked french bread and avocados which we ended up eating together on the way home. Best avo I've had in months and months. I think I might have another now. Waiting for my crazy roomie to get home. See what kind of trouble we can get ourselves into tonight.

Currently reading : Black Like Me By John Howard Griffin

Friday, April 21, 2006

crazy eyes

The other day as I was trying to go to sleep I experienced something really bizarre. You know how you have the REM (rapid eye movement) stage of sleep? Have you ever watched someone sleep and seen their eyes moving under their lids? I was almost all the way asleep but evidently just awake enough to realize that my eyes were moving rapidly about. It was the weirdest thing cause my mind started focusing on my eye movement but evidently not enough to wake up eyes up and make them stop. It started driving me crazy. I was so tired and I just wanted to shut my eyes so they would hold still and I could sleep but they were already shut. That would be torture for me not to be able to shut my eyes and sleep ever. I guess somewhere in the vagueness of semi-sleep land either my mind shut off or my eyes stopped twitching and I slept but it was a really weird feeling. I think my mind and body aren't in agreement on sleep half the time. I've just never been this aware of it.

Today is my last day off and I'm determined to enjoy it. Sounds like I'll be doing all sorts of cultural things today. I'll let you know if they do, in fact, take place.

Saw my baby sister play her violin last night. They sounded so good and she is so pretty. I love her. I love all my family. They're the best ever. I'm so blessed. If anyone needs a family I'd be more than happy to share.

This is the day the Lord has made. I will rejoice and be glad in it.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Anika tagged me

Tag I'm it!!

1. My room is so messy but my closet is crazy organized, by colors, sleeve length, and everything.

2. I'm an affection junkie.

3. I get motion sick very easily. Lots of times on swings. Sometimes even on airplanes at work.

4. I think way too much like a man.

5. I'm from Georgia but I don't like sweet tea.

6. Whenever I fall asleep I like to have something touching my cheek, and right before I go to sleep, no matter what position I was in, I always turn on my side. That's how I know I'm really going to sleep. Yay!

So the rules are, once you've been tagged, you have to write a blog with 6 weird things/habits about yourself. In the end you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. Don't forget to leave a comment that says "you are tagged" in their comments and tell them to read your blog.

I tag...

1. Tanya
2. Amie
3. Kathryn
4. Roya
5. Adri
6. Carson
7. Peter
8. Anyone else who wants to do this cause I want you all to do it.

Happy Friday to me

I should be going to sleep right now but I'm going to clear my head so I can sleep nice. I've done naps the last two nights and I'm hating this sleep schedule. Last night I went to Omaha and we didn't get to the hotel til 1:30 CST and had to go back to the airport at 5am. So basically I slept 3 hrs. There were times on the flight this morning I had no idea what was going on and had to stop and really focus on what I was doing. It's outrageous. The night before last I did a Dothan, AL nap which was a piece of cake. 8.5 hrs on the ground and only a 30 min flight, but it's hard for me to go to sleep and the alarm in the room started to go off extra early so I still didn't sleep much. Then good old ATC turned our 30 min flight into almost an hour. Blah blah blah.

Last night we were in the lounge waiting for our plane to arrive and one of the rampers came in and asked who was going to Colombus last night. They had hooked up the ground power to the plane and then driven the truck away without unhooking it and pulled a part of the side of the plane off. These are the brilliant people we have working the ramp in Atlanta. It was funny though and we all wished he had done it to our plane so we could go home. My captain last night told me about a flight attendant who told everyone the flight was to Maconga. (This makes me laugh just thinking about it). Everyone, including the pilots were really confused. She went up there and showed them the downline with all the flight info on it and sure enough, at the top it said MACON,GA. It obviously takes a lot of brains to work in the airline industry.

I told my pilot's yesterday that I broke my armpit, cause it hurts really bad and I don't know why. It was pretty much the entertainment of the trip - talking about getting it x-rayed, then getting a cast on it, wearing it for 6 months (cause that's how long broken armpits take to heal), the resulting hairiness and smelliness, how noone would want to fly with me, and how if I didn't get it fixed it'd heal wrong and I'd be the girl with the crooked armpit and noone would want to fly with me then either and no man would ever love me. My FO said that once he broke his butt and now he has a crack in it :-P. He said they used to freak his little cousin out by saying that it was weird that he had a crack in his butt cause noone else did. The Captain got cat scratch fever in his armpit... He had to have it amputated.. hehe. Good times. (He really did get cat scratch fever though.)

It's so nice to be home for a few days. I'm hoping to work or something in between but I'll be happy if I can just get a decent night's sleep.

One thing that I realized I despise, in myself and others, is insecurity. Probably more so in myself than in others because I can't know the reasons for other people's insecurities. But they just frustrate me. I hate my feelings and/or actions being controlled by silly, often unfounded thoughts that I have about myself. I tried on swimming suits and sunglasses yesterday, which reminded me of this. I would like to not worry about what other people think and just say, as long as I am happy with X then that's all that matters. I would like to see that in those I care about as well. I hate when someone is scared to speak up, even just to give their opinion, cause they're afraid of the response.

I also hate neighbor's that have annoying dogs that bark ALL DAY LONG. I'm going to go kill it..... ahhhhh.... silence

Friday, April 14, 2006

For those who love lists

I am an avid list maker. I make lists out of necessity, but I also make them because I enjoy them. Sometimes when I can't sleep all I have to do is get a piece of paper, make a list of what's keeping me up (usually stuff I HAVE to remember to do the next day) and then I can sleep. I make lists on my hands, on random pieces of paper while in my jumpseat, on my mirror - basically wherever I can make one, and then when I get to my planner I re-copy them in there so they be more organized. Sometimes I re-copy things that I've already done just so I can cross them off the list in my planner. It makes me feel like I've accomplished something.

The reason I thought about writing this today is because I thought of a way to make lists more fun (for those of you who don't think they're fun already). My list usually has stuff like pay bills, clean room, do laundry - really boring stuff. So I also write fun stuff on there (stuff that really needs to be done, mind you) like painting my nails, so then not everything on my list is a miserable chore and I can still get stuff marked off my list.

So I guess I should go pack for my trip so I can mark it off my list...

Labels don't lie

My lesson of the week:
When the label on your medicine says to avoid excessive exposure to sunlight, it really means it. What they need to clarify is that excessive actually means any.
I've been on an antibiotic since last week to clear up the sinus infection I had. It's been working and I'm well now which is fantastic. Yesterday I met my friend at Starbucks and we were sitting outside talking, enjoying the weather, and watching people. I kept checking my arms because on Tuesday I had gotten a little sunburned and it was itching like crazy and didn't want to get burned more. After about an hour and a half (I don't consider this to be an excessive amount of sunlight) we saw a couple that I knew and the wife said she thought I should sit in the shade cause I was getting burned. So now my face and arms are extremely sunburned. You can tell which side of me the sun was on as well because my right arm and right cheek are much pinker than the left. Good times.

My sister Joy came home for Easter weekend yesterday so I drove up to the Varsity to meet her ride and take her the rest of the way home. We drove by our birth place in East Pernt. I'd really like to go back inside the house one day. The hill that it is on seems so small now. It used to be the biggest hill in the world. I guess with erosion and all it's smaller now ;-). Funny how different things seem from only 2 feet further off the ground. Was good to spend time with the fam last night. They're the best. My poor dad had to leave for work, which makes me sad.

And speaking of leaving for work, I have to go pack to spend the weekend in Omaha. I'm flying there tonight and coming back Sunday morning. Then it looks like I have to do a nap on Sunday night as well. I'm off Wed - Fri next week though. Even more good times.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

bottled happiness

I know a lot of people think they can find happiness in bottles of different sorts but that's not what I'm talking about. I wish that there was a way to bottle up a good feeling, the smell in the air, the feel of the breeze, the feel of a happy heart, a beautiful day, and save it for when you really, really need it. It's crazy how one day you can feel on top of the world, and the next you are hanging on to happiness by your fingernails. It's about to slip out of your grasp but you know how good it feels and keep hanging on, sinking your nails in deeper, just to keep a little bit of it. Happiness somehow isn't the same when you're having to fight for it.

I hate when I get my feelings hurt and I'm not sure why they're hurt. I hate when your insurance goes down because you turn 25 and then way back up because you live in an expensive county. I hate how you think you have your money under control, bills are paid, and something else comes up. I hate when I sleep too late and waste part of a beautiful day like today.

I love that no matter what I do, or how far I feel from God, He still loves me. I love that He loves me enough to have me cross paths with someone who will remind me that He loves me exactly when I'm feeling my lowest. I love April in Georgia. I love being outside, walking around the lake, smelling the trees and water, feeling the sun on my shoulders, and seeing all the different birds, the squirrels scurrying around doing their thing, people playing with their dogs, fishing, and spending time together or alone. I love that I can call my dad and ask him for advice about my car. I love running into someone unexpectedly and what seems to be a total coincidence turns out to be God's perfect timing in so many ways. This reminds me that despite all my bad timing, I'm not in control of things, and the One who is actually knows what He's doing and isn't trying to screw me over. I love taking a shower after you get good and dirty, and how fresh and clean and renewed you feel. You appreciate the cleanness so much more when you've been really dirty. I love that my list of things that I love is longer than things that I hate. Now I feel like I have a good hand grip on happiness instead of it just being at the edge of my fingernails.

Monday, April 10, 2006

... but I'm not a soldier

Today is definitely one of those days when I couldn't possibly love life anymore. I'm feeling sooo much better than I have for the last week. I have just under a month before we got to Costa Rica so it's (no pun intended) crunch time. J text me this morning and we went and walked for 40 minutes. I can feel how un-well I've been because it really wasn't easy. We were walking really fast but still... The weather is amazing today. It's warm in the sun with a cool breeze blowing to keep it from getting too hot.

Yesterday is when I really started feeling better. I slept til about noon (sucks cause I missed church for the millionth time lately). Then I went to my parent's house and ate lunch. My throat and mouth are so much better that I can eat almost anything without excruciating pain. My family is the best. It makes me happy to be around them. They bought me chrystalized ginger that's supposed to help with motion sickness. My mom and Mook gave me a big bag of jelly bellys they got at the jelly belly factory when they went to CA. My mom also gave me a prescription bottle full of jelly bellys and she had altered the label so it was really funny. She said they were happy pills. not to be up your nose or in your ears. Warning: they may be addictive. produces gotta-have-moreitis. May stick to your ribs.. and all sorts of other funny cute things like that. It's so weird to only have two kids in their house, though Mook's friend is there a lot. They can't get away from kids.
Last night I finished a story I've been working on for this contest. I sent it to some of my uber smart friends for suggestions and got some good ones. Need to finish it today or tomorrow.

After I got back from walking I worked out my shoulders and triceps and did 270 crunches. I voluntarily ate oatmeal for the second time in years and years. Been listening to music while I exercise and there are certain songs that just make my heart happy and make me want to dance, air guitar, or just jump around crazy. Or maybe it's just that my heart is happy today and anything brings it out. I think Alice Cooper's Poison is such a fabulous song, La Tortura - Shakira, All These Things That I Have Done - The Killers. They just rock my face off. Now it's some ghetto song "I need a dime, top of the line, cute face, little waist, and a big behind." I listen to such quality music :-P. I need to go through my music on here cause I've got so much stuff I just downloaded looking for something else and a lot of it is crap.

Gotta go order some shoes for Chas's wedding and I don't think I can ignore the need to go to Walmart anymore. Ugh...

In case you haven't noticed - life is good. Hope it is for you as well.

Saturday, April 8, 2006

Doctor's orders

How does a little piece of paper from a doctor finally make me feel justified lying around at home? I went to the doctor yesterday afternoon. My dear Roomie A went with me, which turned out to be a good thing cause she's getting sick too. She also kept me entertained while we waited for the work in appointment. He said I have a sinus infection which somehow has made my throat hurt like the devil. He recommended I take 3 days off work to heal and said that the sinus infection is most likely the reason I threw up on my flight the other day. He said I can pretty much expect to be sick a lot in the first year of my job and there isn't a whole lot I can do about it. Yay!! My face feels better today but I feel like my wisdom teeth are growing in, except I got them taken out years ago. I bought two boxes of popsicles yesterday and have eaten about half a box so far. I called in last night and tonight and won't be working again until Tuesday probably. So now it's just me and Roomie A sitting around, watching too much tv, playing on the internet and moaning about how bad we feel. She's lost most of her voice which is kind of funny.

I went to sleep last night with my window open about 8 inches so I could get a breeze in my room. As I was falling asleep I started hearing the frogs singing (always a sign it's going to rain). A few hours later I was awakened by the sound of heavy rain falling. It was absolutely beautiful. Then it started thundering and scared the crap out of me. It was so loud the car alarms in our parking lot started going off and it looked like it was daylight outside. I finally got up when I couldn't sleep anymore and have migrated back to the living. Being sick is really boring.

PS. I know people are reading my blogs... Some of you (Kat and Carson) are brave enough to leave me comments and I think you're rockstars for it.

Friday, April 7, 2006

I can't sleep

What part of I only slept 4 hours last night does my body not understand? I was going to read myself to sleep earlier with a book that J lent me, but I have finished the book and am still awake. It was really weird and interesting but I'm thinking more weird. I drank coffee this morning which is unusual for me and now I wonder if it's responsible for my sleeplessness. Seems like a bit of a stretch since I drank it at 5:45 this morning. On top of that my face hurts and it's really hot in here, but my feet are cold. This is nonsense. I have a doctor's appointment today and I have a feeling I'm not working tonight. I don't know what makes me feel like I need to suffer for my company's sake. They have a million other reserves out there they can use instead of me going to work feeling miserable, ears, face, throat hurting. The end of my nose feels like I bumped it in my sleep or something... Weird... I also need to spare my other crew members the agony of being around such a whiner as myself anyway. The sucky thing too is that my family is going to the farmer's market, little 5 and stone mountain today and I really wanted to go with but I can't now :(.

On a less complainy note - I was browsing around and was reminded of something I think about a lot at work. Whenever I work I see all different kinds of people. Depending on the day it could be a few hundred that walk past me and I say hello and serve them. And each one of them is so amazingly different from the next. I've seen people that don't fit my mold of beautiful in my mind, but when I see them they are very beautiful in a totally different way. I've seen weird people, ugly people, tall, short, skinny, fat, young, old... It's amazing to me the variety God gave us. It's also amazing to me that no two are exactly the same. When you deal with so many people it's easy to not really look at them but to see them as a whole group of people, but every now and then I get caught up in the realness of each person. The fact that their life is a story, just as interesting and complex to them as each of ours are to us. I heart people. Sometimes I hate people but today I heart them. Maybe cause I'm lying in my bed and not arguing with them over whether their bag really will fit in the overhead - though I never argue. I just let them try and then smile smugly when they have to bring it back to me cause it doesn't fit.) Someone should come entertain me.

sick is the devil

Be warned - pretty much the whole point of this blog is to whine. If you continue reading and you get annoyed with my whining then that's just too bad cause I warned you.

I'm so tired of feeling bad. I wish that I could either get proper sick or get well. None of this in between crap. My throat has been hurting since Sunday. I've been coughing my lungs up every day and every night and I go back and forth between my ears hurting and my head hurting. I couldn't sleep last night cause if I lay on my back I would start coughing and if i lay on my stomach my throat would hurt. Then I had to get up at 5 to fly people back to Atlanta. My doctor is being a stupid head. I just want a refill of the same prescription I got a few months ago cause I have the same sickness.

I slept about 4 hours last night in Chattanooga. Tonight I'll be in Houston with a shorter overnight, St. Louis tomorrow night, and Ft. Walton Beach the next night. I didn't even think it was legal to do 4 naps in a row. Besides being sick naps are the devil. I'll explain what they are so when I refer to naps in the future there will be no confusion. Usually, when you do a trip and you spend the night somewhere you have to get at least 10 hours on the ground for rest. That's from 15 min after the plane lands til 45 min before it leaves the next day. On a nap you have less than 9 hours on the ground and you're considered on duty the whole time so you just do the one flight there and the one back in the morning. The St. Louis nap tomorrow night has 6hr39min on the ground which equals out to about 3something hrs of sleep. After doing a few of these you are absolutely dead. Sure, you get to come home and sleep during the day but it's just not the same. They aren't fun when you're well so they're even worse when you're sick. I thought about calling in sick tonight but like I said before, I feel like I should be dying sick to call in and I'm just in the "I feel really bad and don't want to do anything" stage. Blah.. My coffee from the flight this morning hasn't worn off yet so I can't go to sleep but I'm so tired.

All my whininess aside, life is good. I had a mammogram yesterday so I get to keep my breasts another 6 months, which makes me quite happy. I'm kind of attached to them. I played my violin yesterday and am halfway through a book I started the night before last. Even though I'm doing sucky naps at least I know what I'm doing for the next few days and don't have to sit around wondering (though it's still subject to change). I got my new uniform dress, skirt, and shirt which are all quite nice. They need some alterations but in general the result is good. I'm going to take some more drugs and go to sleep. Hasta la pasta.

Monday, April 3, 2006

I should be sleeping

But I'm not. Instead I'm lying here in bed thinking of things I would rather not think about. I'm feeling kind of lonely. That's what happens when you get used to being around people all the time. I wish I felt better cause then I could've done something with my day besides nap (probably why I can't sleep now). The day started off with such promise. I got up and took all three loads of my laundry down to the place where the laundry is done here so I could dry them all at the same time (our washer is broken). In the meantime I paid some bills and had a depressing conversation with my credit card company. That's when I started to guess that my day wasn't going to be so hot after all. They made me cry I was so frustrated. Yeah, I know it's my fault. I shouldn't have the things in the first place, but just because something is your fault doesn't make it hurt any less... Which brings me to the next reason my day wasn't fun. It's easy to say what you should and shouldn't have done a few months down the road. I'm glad for what has happened and what I've learned and experienced but it's hard because the result, that I knew would happen months ago, is now happening. And it makes me really sad. I know I'm being vague but this is myspace. I do have a little self respect. The moral of the story is today was not one of my favorite days ever. My throat still hurts. My ears still hurt. I still feel like coughing all the time but it hurts when I do. And I'm still sad. I was much better for a while but I think it's one of those 'when it rains it pours' things. The little things that you can deal with on a normal day can really get you down on a not so great day. Bah humbug. I want to go to sleep and not wake up for a long time. Then I would be well hopefully. I need to get motivated to exercise. I was going to volleyball practice but it was the wrong night. I was going to go for a walk/run but everything just kind of aches. Not like full-on flu ache but bad enough to make you just want to go home and do nothing. It sucks cause I feel like I either work ALL the time, or I sit at home and doing nothing ALL the time. I can't wait to have a regular schedule. I will be the happiest girl ever. If you pray I appreciate your prayers.