Sunday, December 7, 2008

I've reached that point

The one where I've been cleaning and sorting and throwing away and now I'm sitting on the floor surrounded by things that have no home.

As I look around I see:
- a wallet I don't currently use but holds all my cards I don't use on a regular basis.
- expensive eye drops
- lotions from multiple hotels
- two wooden foot massagers
- a pint glass (okay, that goes in the kitchen)
- a water bottle off the plane
- the remote for my fan which has now been replaced by my space heater
- a cd some guy gave me on a plane
- chapstick, chapstick, chapstick
- scissors
- Tinkerbell change purse
- red scarf I started knitting for my Grandma
- black scart I started knitting for myself
- empty camera case
- camera
- individual packs of Starbucks coffee
- pot holder a passenger knitted for me
- Q-tips
- key for disassembling my bed
- flavored cigars someone gave me
- papers I need to do something about, but can't right now
- my external hard drive
- wax strips that don't work
- wax in a pot that doesn't work
- extra sunglasses

This is giving me a headache, but it has given me a better view of what to do with some of the stuff. Somehow when you write down that something doesn't work, it makes you see that regardless of the fact that it cost $7, you should throw it away. I just started listening to the cd. It sounds like the woman is in a lot of pain. I wonder if being cluttered and messy is something that is ingrained in my DNA - something I'll struggle with my whole life - or if it's something I can eventually change for good. I guess I'll only know if I keep trying.

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