Thursday, September 18, 2008

runts and sharks

My belly is full of good food my mama cooked. That sentence has a lot of double letters in it. The nice thing about eating her cooking is that even if you eat too much and feel really full, it's a healthy kind of full. Not grease based or really heavy on the stomach. I went to Michal's volleyball game and took her home afterwards. Her team is very good so the matches are competitive and fun to watch.

Last night after work I ventured to the other side of Atlanta for spaghetti and company. I noticed a big ziploc bag of banana runts on the kitchen counter. I learned that this was but a small portion of a gift that was intended to entice an ex fiance to become a fiance again. The dumped one, as part of his plan to win his fiance back, has taken to sending her a quarterly email updating her on his life. He also remembered that she liked banana runts and had 20 pounds of them sent to her. Evidently the sandwhich bag full is what is left after she has filled every canister and container in her own kitchen with them. He claims that they were special ordered, but it is suspected that he hand picked them. I haven't quite processed how this makes me feel. Part of me is amused that someone would send another person 20 pounds of banana runts. Part of me is sad for the guy that thinks this will work. Part of me is sad for the guy who special ordered 20 pounds of banana runts. Part of me is grossed out at the thought of him pawing through bag after bag of runts to get 20 pounds worth. Part of me really likes how simple and runt-free my life is.

Today was my day off work. I spent the night at the girls' apartment last night cause it was late, and slept even later. I had a lovely lunch with one of my flight attendant friends. We talked about South Africa since he went there in February and I'm planning on going back there in December. I think he should either write his stories down, or let me. He went on a shark tour and go to be in a cage as a 16 foot great white was within touching distance. He is the second person I've talked to a lot lately who isn't afraid to take risks. He goes on vacations alone and finds his own fun. Some of the stories he told gave me goosebumps just listening to them.

While on the subject of South Africa, I don't think I've mentioned that I'm postponing my surgery. I didn't know that I wouldn't be able to fly while I was on medical leave. I found out that December is a very lucrative time at my other job. Adri is going home for the first time in seven years, and we've been planning on making this trip together for a long time. Also, I'm getting so close to paying off my debt. After taking all these factors into consideration I decided I would be missing out on too much financially and too many travel opportunities by having my surgery in November. I wouldn't be able to visit anyone around the holidays. I wouldn't be able to buy Christmas presents, and I'd delay paying off my loan. I'll be in a much better place by putting it off for a few months. That being said, if there's anywhere I need to go in Jan-March that involves flying, let me know, so I can plan my surgery accordingly.

I have to be at work to cater a breakfast/brunch (that's what they called it) at 7:30am so I should be asleep. I got my line for next month, and while my overnights aren't fun yet, I got 17 days off. Life is good.


Anonymous said...

Ok, you're getting the 40lbs of heart shaped mystery fruit runts I have left over.

By the way, does my ex-fiance have a new diamond belly-button piercing?

Anonymous said...

hahah...this makes me soo happy to read!! :) cant wait for the next one!!