Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Home sweet away from home

Today is a day that I have to appreciate the type of job I have. I am fortunate enough to be off work and come to my grandparents' house for the last time. They're moving into an apartment this weekend. It's a good thing for them. Maintaining a big house and keeping up with meals aren't things they should have to worry about right now. They're both still in very healthy and I'd like to see them have more freedom and less responsibility. So I'm happy for them.

It's a huge change though, and I don't think change is easy on anyone. They have lived in this house for 17 years. It's the only house I've ever seen them in. Having lost both of my grandparents on my mama's side fairly early on, this house holds most of my grandparent memories. When I was 12 and I came to summer camp, I came here for the week after. I was so homesick at camp that my grandma worried I'd never be able to leave home. It was better when I was here though because we always did something fun. We went hiking and canoeing or went out to see our cousins. There were raspberries in the garden that I could pick and eat - dirty, buggy, warm, and wonderful. They always had something growing outside that Grandpa was busy mulching, pruning, watering or raking. This house is where I learned that asparagus was amazing, and I loved always having olives in the salads. It was nice when I could come up here alone because that meant I got to sleep in the blue and white room. It has a lot of windows and feels exactly like a bedroom should feel.

I'm going to miss this house. We've had a lot of good times here. We've killed at least one or two pinatas in the play house at Christmas time. This is where Joy and our cousin Elisabeth went swimming in mud and came in covered except for the whites of their eyes. I liked taking walks around the neighborhood and talking. This neighborhood is where Joy learned to drive a stick. I made her park on the hill and then start driving. I'll miss Grandma's violet plants in the kitchen window, but I'm pretty sure those will be going to the apartment.

Hopefully the apartment will make it easier for them to do more of the things they love. I'm looking forward to visiting them there soon. I'm sure there will still be icecream in the freezer at all times.

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