Sunday, September 21, 2008

Usually it’s good not to have gas...

It's a weird and confusing sight to drive past gas stations that don't have any gas. Or that only have regular. I know I haven't been following the news very closely, but I don't understand what the problem is. I have enough gas to get to work tomorrow, and back home on Thursday, but it concerns me a little to think that when I get back gas might be even harder to come by. I'll have to investigate the matter.

This was a very busy, but also very good weekend. Friday morning I worked at the job part 2 and catered a breakfast. It was for a business in Ptc and only lasted an hour. It wasn't the most lucrative Friday morning I've ever had, but it at least paid for the pedicure I treated myself to later. After everyone finished eating we also got to help ourselves which was a nice little bonus.

When I got home from the store I ran 4 miles, which is a personal record. It was tough cause it was noon, and despite the cool mornings and evenings we've had, it was still pretty hot. I figured my feet needed some TLC so Molly and I got pedicures and now my toes are an interesting, but lovely, shade of tangerine(?).

Later J came down from the north and we ventured first to F'ville for some browsing, and then down to Newnan for the birthday party of some new church friends. I'm finding out that when you live in the general Fayette/Coweta area it's going to be a really small world. At this party of church friends I met fellow airline employees and old high school sports rivals, and the party was two doors down from the house Jersey just moved into. It's cool to be able to connect different parts of my life and make more friends.

The majority of the rest of my weekend was spent at the Shakerag Art Festival in Ptc where I cooked more corn dogs than any normal person will ever cook in their life. I do have to say that I'm pretty good at it. There are some friends of friends who have a stand and they needed help. It was a really busy two days, and my feet and legs are exhausted, but the extra bucks are good to have.

Aside from all the crazy work goings on, there have been some interesting developments in my life that put a nervous smile on my face. We'll see how that goes... Now I have to pack for a 4 day trip for the first time in what seems like forever. I've been spoiled being home, but I'm going to spend two nights in the Ft. Walton/ Destin area, so it should be a good trip.

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