Monday, November 3, 2008

smooth sailing

I had a good day at work today. I don't say that very often so I feel the need to document it. I even did six flights, and it was still a good day. I slept enough last night. The weather was good. Our plane was good. We kept it all day. We were on time all day. The passengers were friendly. There isn't very much more that you could ask for in a day of flying.

Tomorrow it's another early start and four more flights, but then I don't fly again until Friday. I need a few days off. The weekend was great, but way too short.

After I got off work on Saturday I made a quick trip to the dentist's office where Kristen temporarily patched my tooth. I was eating some Nerds on Friday at work when I came across one that was particularly hard. I finally spit it out and saw that it was part of my tooth. It really alarmed me that I'm so young and my teeth are falling apart. Someone suggested I sue Nerds.

Once my tooth was fixed a found some paint to whiten the cardboard squares Matt had cut out. Then I fought with markers (evidently they don't like to write over spray paint) and made the squares into Scrabble letters - B, O, and O. I then made them into sandwich boards, and Matt, Molly and I wore them to a Halloween party. The letters on the back were S, A, and S (not in that order). It was good fun, and everyone was amused.

Sunday was a good day of church and family. Had one of my mama's healthy and tasty meals. Drove a little with Michal. Chatted with my daddy. I'm very fortunate to be able to do each of these things.

I forgot to mention that on Friday in Flint I ran 6.25 mi/ 10k. The conditions were perfect and I felt good. Hopefully I can repeat that this coming Saturday.

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