Thursday, October 26, 2006

if only dreams could come true

So I told my dad that I hated him today. It was a first, but he, admittedly, deserved it. He sent me some stupid video that scared the daylights out of me, and any of you who know me well know how much I HATE being scared. I can't believe I trusted him... :-P It makes me laugh a little thinking about how much it scared me though, and the fact that I knew when I replied and told him that, he would laugh as well - and he did.

I'm so happy to be off work for a few days. I don't have to work again until Sunday which is good cause I am le tired. Since 5pm yesterday I flew to Raliegh and back, Cleveland for an 8 hr night, back to Atl, then a RT to Panama City. All within about 20 hours. Good times. Friends are coming in town and I'm sooo excited to see them. Hopefully there will be lots of quality hanging out going on.

My room is messy and last night I dreamed it was clean. Bummer.

I need to shave my legs cause they were prickling up against the sheets last night at the hotel so bad that I could hardly sleep.

There isn't much else going on in my head right now. I've been going through all the trips in open time next month cause I don't like the schedule they gave me. I'm going to swap all those babies out. I'm hoping to get a SFO or OAK overnight so I can see my sister.

My old man magnet seems to have been activated cause they seem to be the only ones who pay any attention to me lately. And I'm not talking about 35 old (that really isn't that old any more - SCARY). I'm talking about men that ask me where I live and then tell me "oh my son lives there with his two boys". I had my second second-time passenger the other night, and he was, of course, an old guy. I should have just said hello and moved on and not tried to figure out when we'd flown together cause when I did he reminded me that he had given me his card and asked me to go to dinner with him sometime and I had never called him... Oops.

I guess I should go be productive. I also need to run. I think I have already lost some weight. I put on some jeans that haven't been fitting so good lately and I laugh at myself as I admit that I turned around in the mirror and said (out loud) "wow". hahaha.... I'll just leave it at that. :-P

PS. If anyone wants to clean my room, you're more than welcome to do so.

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