Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Bachelor pad popcorn

I have moved into a bachelor pad. Because of this, I am having popcorn, pepper jack cheese, and beer for a dinner at midnight. I don't want to get my fingers dirty so I'm eating popcorn in a way that reminds me of my daddy and of being in the nursery as a kid. Different parents took turns keeping the nursery during church. Sometimes my parents would bring popcorn as a snack, and my daddy taught us to eat the popcorn off the napkin/paper towel with no hands. Just by using our tongues to pick up the popcorn. Evidently it wasn't the most civilized way to do things, but I enjoyed it. As a child, it's practically magic to be able to pick something up just by touching it with your tongue. Well mannered or not, it was a lot more fun than what other parents were teaching in nursery.

It dawned on me, on the way home tonight, that I officially no longer live at 1660 Peachtree. No more crazy left turns across Peachtree Street (or is it Peachtree Road at that point?) No more obnoxious speed bumps. No more spying on all the crazies at the pool. No more speedo man. No more huge closet, bedroom, and shower.

In exchange, I get to live with my best friend (who happens to be my husband.) I'm pretty sure he's worth the closet. Until Saturday, though, I'm in housing limbo. Everything is a mess right now, but it's okay.

Tonight I finished my last trip for the next 11 or so days.

Life is wonderful.


Lindsay Eryn said...

"I'm pretty sure he's worth the closet." :)

I'm so happy for you, Grace! How awesome!

Charity said...

I'm not convinced that any man is worth the closet. ;-) But I'm glad you're fooled. Seriously, I am ecstatic for you guys and can't wait to crash!