Monday, January 4, 2010

I'm nuts for butternut

Tonight I made some delightful butternut squash soup thanks to advice from Adri and Christine and just plain luck. It was fun and tasty. I think I put too much sage (I prefer savory butternut to sweet) so it reminds me a little of Thanksgiving, but it's still so good I made toast just so I could sop up what was left in the blender.

We're having some frightfully cold weather here in Atlanta. I'm not a fan at all. I have the heat set on 67 and it has been running constantly for days. I'm also wearing smartwool socks, slippers, pants, and three shirts. I have to do a round trip to Valdosta tomorrow morning and am dreading it. It's easy money but it's so cold I'd rather be snug in bed.

Today I did a whole lot of busy stuff. I bought vegetables, broth, lemons, and cereal at Trader Joe's so I can eat consistently and healthily this week. Cooking for yourself is not only cheap and healthy, but it gives such a sense of accomplishment.

It's a good thing I'm eating cheap because I spent $50 today to get my FMLA paperwork filled out. I don't understand how they justify it. It's not like they're doing me a favor. I could understand if that was the case, but it's not something I can do myself. They leave you no choice. I was also reminded that my surgery will be followed by a 24hr observation stay in the hospital. I've never stayed in the hospital since I can remember. One more thing to add to the nerves of it. I'm sure it'll be fine and wonderful.

Sometimes I like to look out my window and pretend that the peach on top of the building across the street from me is a big harvest moon. Works better if I take my contacts off.

On that note, it's time to iron the collar and sleeves of my work shirt and go to sleep.

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