Sunday, August 24, 2008

hangin round, downstairs by myself

It's Sunday again. After teasing us all weekend, the rain is finally here. It's lovely. There is a small lake in our back yard. I'm trying to figure out what it is about my room that is so depressing. I think it's cause it's kind of dark. It's amazing what a difference picking the clothes up off the floor makes. I should probably do something besides just put them on the bed, but one step at a time.

I made a lot of money at job part 2 this weekend. It was a nice reward for working when I didn't want to. I thought the rain would dampen people's enthusiasm for 38 Special, but I think braving the drizzle made them feel like they were survivors. My legs and butt are sore from walking up and down the amphitheater, but again, that's where the tips make it all worth it.

Yesterday morning I got my hair cut. Then I went to the parents' house. Joy is home for a few days before she goes back to school. She made omlets for us (including an ugly one for the father.) I decided that it was time to have a serious discussion with him about his health. I told him if he acts like he isn't going to live another 30 years then I have no choice but to get pregnant posthaste to ensure that my children know him. It seems perfectly fair - take care of his health or I get pregnant. Nothing unreasonable about that. We saw four deer run through their yard, including two really cute fawns. We also boiled a conch shell Joy brought back from the Vineyard. It was the nastiest smelling thing I've ever smelled. All in all a pretty normal afternoon at the homestead.

Friday morning I did something I've never done before. I went to a dog show. For anyone who knows me they're like you did what? I am, admittedly not the biggest dog fan. But Isabella's mom was showing two of her dogs and Isabella wanted to see her. We had lunch plans already so I just rode along to the show. It was actually pretty interesting. There were so many different kinds of dogs, and most of them were pretty well behaved. I don't think I could've survived more than an hour without benadryl or something, but it was a good time. Something I can check off my life's to do list.

My feet still hurt from work last night. It was crazy. I don't know if I already mentioned this, but one of the ladies that runs the amphitheater gave me tickets to see Chris Isaak the week after next. I'm more excited than is probably reasonable. I don't care. I can't wait to see that show.

Kathryn delivered their second daughter, Charlotte Joy, late this morning. Very happy for them. Crazy that those kids met at my 19th birthday party and are on their second child now... How time does fly.

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