Sunday, April 27, 2008

I’ve been too tired to write anything this week

I'm tired. More tired than is normal. I'm not sure why. I don't know if it's the gray, gloomy weather. It might be the continual pollen in the air. It could be my body deciding to wreak havoc on itself. It could be the fact that last night was the first night in a long time that I got a decent amount of sleep. I don't feel like a got any time off this weekend either and from 4/22 to 5/08 I will be working 14 of 17 days. I probably shouldn't think of it that way for my sanity's sake, but I just did. Whenever I had time to write anything this week I was either too tired to write or couldn't think of anything to write. I also haven't run since Tuesday, which sucks. Hopefully once I get more sleep I'll feel like the happier version of me and be back at my normal things again.
I got my hair cut yesterday which makes me happy. I didn't realize how shaggy it had gotten, but now it's short and manageable, and I love it.

Last night I catered, which was good. I wasn't originally scheduled this weekend, but they called me Friday afternoon cause someone fractured their wrist. We catered a dinner for a fly in club. I noticed that almost everyone had pins on with names, planes, tail numbers, and cities on them. Turns out, it's a group of old people (lots of retired pilots) who now have enough money to own their own planes, and evidently nothing better to do with their time and money than fly around the south east once a month touring, drinking, and hanging out with other such people. Some of them were really nice and I was advised by one lady to not marry young (no worry of that). Others were plain old rude snobs.

This morning I went to church and saw another really good message. It's amazing how practical nearly every message I see there is. This one was Andy Stanley interviewing the author of a book "For Women Only" which I'd never heard of before. I've read a lot of books about the way men are versus the way women are so I'd heard some of the stuff before, but there's always something new to learn or a different way to view things. It was really interesting.

After that I rode over to Michal's school with the fam for the science project awards program. Out of 110 projects in the high school, Michal, a lowly freshman, got honorable mention. I'm really proud of her :-).

Tonight some of us are meeting for dinner in Newnan to celebrate Charity's upcoming birthday. I'm going to get ready for work so I don't have to worry about it when I get back.

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