Moline has one of the strangest hotels in our system. It makes you feel like you're in ancient Bavaria. As I look out my window I have to bend and twist to see through the diamonds of glass that aren't either stained glass or have a picture of a beer stein or bar wench dancing. The rooms have ornate dark furniture, drapes around and behind the head of the bed, and electrical outlets in the least practical places. It seems to be clean enough, but I still can't shake the feeling I'm staying in someone's grandmother's house (and not in a good way.)
I hate working on Sundays. I can't remember the last time I saw my family in Atlanta or went to church. I miss them all. The only reason I'm working today is that I'm doing training flights (for time and a half), and this month all the training is happening on Sun and Mon. Yes, I'm going to teach other people how to be flight attendants. It is a little frightening.
Though I'm flying part of it, my weekend was not all work. Friday Mr. Dees and I incorporated exercise and fun and did all our activities in Atlanta on foot. We visited the Automobiles exhibit at the High Museum. I'm pretty sure I'll be going back. From there we walked to Atlantic Station where we got birthday presents for Charity, window shopped, and I lusted over shoes I can't afford or wear. Four hours later a glass of wine at The Grape seemed like the perfect way to refresh before walking back to my apartment. It was one of those days where you can't help but love living in Atlanta. Our day was capped off by dinner and dancing at Loca Luna to celebrate Charity's 30th birthday. The icing on the cake was a surprise visit back to Atlanta for the evening by my dear Mr. Lewis.
My May flight schedule still has me smiling. The longest trip I have is 3 days - which I'm discovering is a vital part of me remaining a happy flight attendant. I also have the same off days as Jonathan, AND I'm off all the rest of the Sundays. I know I say this a lot but life is good. I am thankful that God isn't fair.