Sunday, December 30, 2007

I can’t come up with a subject. I’m spent

My family is ridiculous. I really love that. Today was our annual Holby family shindig. To get an idea of how wonderful it was just think of how funny, interesting, talented, and good looking my immediate family is and multiply it by a few times. I just got home a little while ago at about 2:20am. The day consisted of lunch, watching football, going to my cousin's basketball game, eating supper, beating to death a pinata, and opening presents. Plus lots of fun talking and story telling in between. Everyone was there except one cousin, William, and my dear brother-in-law, Scott. It was great to talk to my cousins who are at similar places in their lives. I feel challenged to do something more with my life. I found out that my cousin has me beat in the wedding department. She's been in 10 weddings compared to my 8. We shared bride and bridesmaidzilla stories. There were also a few wedding coordinatorzilla stories. It's really fun because the majority of my cousins are moving into the twenties bracket so it's easier to connect and the spaces between us don't seem as far apart anymore. Among other wonderful gifts, I got a really cute apron that looks like a little dress. I'm excited to cook something while wearing it. It makes me want to be more domestic (something I want to do anyway). There were a lot of great books exchanged and discussed which makes me want to read and write more. Though I use this blog for memory and amusement purposes it's also good for me just to be writing. I see it as exercise, and we all know how important daily exercise is in any area of our lives. As I approach my 27th birthday I feel like I need to start acting on some of the things that I know I could/should be doing with my life. I'm definitely not getting any younger and don't want to look back and feel like I've wasted my energy and talents. This is a big run-on thought, but like I said, being around my family always challenges and stimulates me. I've been getting a steady diet of it for over a week now and hopefully it won't just be a passing feeling.

It looks like Barcelona is back on. I'm getting the travel itch again (another thing that my cousins feed) and am trying to figure out how much travel I can get out of my upcoming vacation time without overspending or wearing myself out. I need to sleep some first though before I try to figure anything out.

Last night was another family reunion of sorts. All 5 of my siblings are in town so we had random people come by my parents house last night to visit. It has been crazy seeing people and trying to fit a lot of catching up into a little time, but it's also been amazing to reconnect and be reminded of how many amazing people I have in my life. I am such a fortunate girl and I hope I never forget that or take it for granted.

I thank God for my wonderful family and friends.

Monday, December 24, 2007

Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house...

... the sound of Indiana Jones was playing... I don't know why but Joy, Peter, and Michal were dying to watch it tonight. Nothing like a little tomb raiding to put you in the Christmas spirit.

We now have almost the entire Frank and Mary Holby clan gathered here. We're still waiting for Christine to finish out the first (and best) set. It's fun times. My mother continues to produce more fabulous food than anyone deserves to eat. My siblings continue to amaze me with their wit and humor. Our second family joke (the first being the "our brother in China" joke) is to try to use inappropriate words as often and as appropriately as possible. It makes us all happy. Peter was telling a story about a shop-lifting incident he witnessed. He said that the person ran out of the store. I said the police should have shot his ass so he couldn't get on it and ride away. I kill myself sometimes.

I swear this music sounds just like Star Wars...

Today was the least painful Christmas Eve shopping day I've ever had. It helped that I already knew what I was shopping for and Jamie and Adri went with to help keep me motivated and entertained. It's so great to have everyone in town. I'm excited to see everyone open their presents tomorrow. I guess that means I'm a big kid now.

I read this book last week. Not all that I had hoped and dreamed it would be. I knitted my first scarf of the winter so I probably won't be reading much for a while. Not until I learn how to knit without looking at it.

It took Israel and I about 11 hours to get back from arKansas yesterday. It was a good drive. He drove the first half and I drove the second half without stopping. I had a car that followed me from Mississippi until I got off of I-20 onto I-285. It may seem silly but it really made the drive go by faster. We had a little chain of cars going and I think it just helped keep my mind off of all the miles that were passing.

Evidently our cat is supposed to start talking at midnight so I'm going to finish this and go see what she has to say. I hope that everyone has a merry Christmas. I wish all my loved ones could have the opportunity to be with those they love at Christmas like I am. It really is such a blessing.

Currently reading :
Love in the Time of Cholera (Oprah’s Book Club) By Gabriel Garcia Marquez

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Worst Christmas song ever

I found it. It combines a choir knocking of Handel's Messiah by singing "Hallelujah, hallelujah, America", an "I'm proud to be an American/God Bless the USA"-esque male singer, a rhyming, in-song prayer, and ends with us all hoping that Christmas is the sweetest day of the year. It's the closest any song has ever come to inflicting actual physical pain on me.

I'm still in arKansas with Israel. I tried to rush him out of here last night but I'm glad we didn't go. There ended up being some sort of frozen precipitation and I would've missed out on eating pad thai, fabulous icecream/custard, and watching Super Troopers. We'll commence our journey shortly. Some people might not get Christmas gifts on Tuesday cause I haven't had time to shop, but if you complain about late gifts, you don't deserve gifts at all :-P.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

It’s beginning to sound a lot like Christmas

It doesn't really look or feel like it (not a "typical" Christmas anyway), but it's close enough where I can enjoy listening to all the Christmas music on the radio. It makes me happy now instead of irritating me to death.I'm in arKansas with Israel. I flew out yesterday and have been helping him go through some stuff he is storing out here. We'll be driving some of it back tomorrow. Woo hoo. The past weeks have flown by and much has happened, but whenever I get to the end of the day I've been too tired to tell about it. I've seen a lot of people in the past week that i haven't seen in a very long time, which has been wonderful. I spent last Friday in San Diego with Peter and Roya. Ended up having to ride to LA to get a flight home, but it was really nice to see both of them. My trip this week overnighted in Key West on Monday and it was so beautful down there that it was a bit surreal. My crew was awesome so we had a fun time going out, then Tuesday morning I went and walked on the beach. It was so warm there were people laying out and swimming. On Wednesday I had a long overnight in Cinci which coincided with Matt's trip to Dayton from Atlanta. He picked me up on his way and I got to see the Chris and Erin and their lovely children. It amazes me to see my friends not just with babies but with children who are starting to grow up. Good times were had by all. Now I'm with Israel who I haven't seen since March or so. I'm not looking forward to the drive back, but it will be so nice to have nearly everyone at home. Over the last few weeks I've also come to a peace about the rejection I received last month and am becoming more open to other job options. More to come.

Friday, December 14, 2007

The world will never ever be the same, and you’re to blame

I think there's something wrong when it seems strange to be sleeping in my own bed. I really have only been gone two nights lately but it still feels odd. My bed sometimes makes me feel like I'm in a taco. I think it sags in the middle. It also makes some sort of noise every time I barely move. Sometimes breathing even makes it creak. But it's nice to be here.

It's been a very busy 4 days. I've done more flying since Monday than I normally do in 4 days. About 28 flight hours actually. It's nice to be able to get that much work crammed in but they really make you pay for it. Monday night I was in Leon, Mexico and I had all sorts of things to write about but alas, there isn't any internet connection in my room there. Then last night I had internet but was too tired to write about anything. Now I've forgotten most of it.

My car hit 90k on the way home from work Tuesday night. Despite the fact that I only wash it once a year and I can't go blazing past people like I'd like to, I do like my car. I got a lecture from some guy the other night because it doesn't have a name. I'm not even sure if it'd be a girl or a guy... What a quandry.

I'm getting deep into my crossword puzzles these days. The excitement of the week so far was that I finished the one on Tuesday. Laugh all you want both they're really hard so I'm going to be proud of myself.

I finished this really great book the other day - "The Lighting Thief". Someone my dad works with lent it to him and he liked it, then Michal liked it, so I figured I'd read it. It looks like a kid's book. I think it might be actually, but it was really good. And like my dad said, it's a great way to learn about Greek mythology. I got one of the answers on the crossword yesterday from something I learned in this book. Go me :).

I'm going to San Diego in the morning and am going to be le tired if I don't go to sleep pronto. It's been nice seeing you Georgia. I'll be back soon.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Peach(y) on earth

I'm really craving ice cream right now. Probably eggnog. It would be tasty.

I'm sitting at home. It's fantastic. I'm watching tv with two of my roommates. Molly is studying so she can be rich one day.

I'm glad there isn't any snow here. It's kind of cold but compared to New York it's practically hot. I had to wear my brown casual shoes with my uniform this morning on the plane cause my feet were so cold. I would be concerned about how I looked but everyone was asleep, it being 5:50am and all. Then I came home, took a nap, went to the doctor, then I got a haircut, ate lunch, bought a wallet (it's much harder than you'd think) - and it was only 2pm by then.

My Name is Earl and 30 Rock are hilarious.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Too tired for words

Well for more than a few...

I'm in Syracuse. It is snowing quite heavily outside. It's really pretty until it gets blown horizontally in your eyes. I'm not prepared for this kind of cold. It's times like this when I miss having hair to cover my neck and ears.

Today was so very long. Got to work at 1235. Am in my bed in at the hotel 13 hours later. I have too many worries and cares. I seem to have forgotten how to give them over to the only One who can truly do anything about them.

I am so tired. I kind of wish we would get snowed in here. I wouldn't mind at all.